Enlitic is currently only traded on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) under the ticker ENL. The company chose the AXS because the ASX provides access to a broad and diverse pool of investors with a history of listing companies from the healthcare sector, specifically medical imaging companies.
Enlitic entered IPO in November of 2023.
Currently, no. Enlitic’s stock is only available on the ASX.
Company employees are offered stock once they become vested.
Enlitic plans to continue research and development of future products and use resources to bring awareness to the market through sales and marketing efforts.
Enlitic has multiple addressable markets including hospitals, OEMs, and teleradiology.
- Total addressable hospital market – $2.66 B
- Total addressable teleradiology market – $17.9 M
- Total addressable OEM market – $8.3 M
Enlitic goes to market in a variety of ways including:
- Direct sales
- OEM partners
- Distributors
- Industry vendors
Enlitic has 70 patents that protect IP.